<= DeCSS Central Main Page
What this is
It's not a warez site or an encouragement to pirate DVDs.
The intent of this site is twofold, and completely different. One, to make
perfectly legal uses of DVD technology possible, uses that are both possible
and allowed with, for example, VHS. And two, to keep information about the
weakness of CSS alive, because let's face it: It costs money to develop a good
encryption and unless they must do it, the DVD consortium would rather
cover up the whole mess and continue using CSS. Which does not and has never
stopped the professional pirates. It's all mirrors and smoke, and it would
be foolish to believe the customer has any advantage from it.
About legal uses of DeCSS: Copyright law not only forbids copying, it also
explicitly allows it for certain uses, for example personal use and
educational use (both within defined limits), as well as use of snippets in
reviews and many other places. All this allowed copying of copyrighted
material is summarized as "fair use".
CSS makes fair use impossible. I cannot take a screenshot of my favorite
movie to use as a desktop wallpaper. A teacher could not copy a snippet out
of a movie to show to his english class. And don't even get me started
about region codes.
I believe we can call it a fact that there is much more about CSS and region
codes and all the other artificial restrictions of the DVD format.
See the "what might be going on" section for some
guesses at what it is.
Update: Well, since the discovery of the "smoking gun"
WIPO document I guess I can consider at least the
basic assumption of "there's much more to this" as proven.
Legal Notes
Most things on this webpage are (C) by me, Tom Vogt,
<tom-at-lemuria-dot-org>. If you have a problem
with it, mail me.
I hate legalese. See, it's actually quite simple: You must apply a brain
when reading this site, obtain some common sense unless you already have it,
and respect the fact that I can and will say whatever I want to, since this
is my page and if you don't like it, don't read it.
If for some reason you can't accept that, talk to me. I'm a reasonable human
being, and as long as you are as well, we will surely find an agreement. I do,
however, have a very low tolerance to being bullied. If your initial contact
is a letter full of legalese, I'm much more likely to post it here than even
send you a reply.
And to make that very clear: There are exactly two circumstances that will
result in me changing anything on these pages: One is that I want to, and
the other is that some local authority (read: a german court) asks me to.
Nothing else will work.