Quick Install Guide

FTP Indexer v. 2.0
Doc V. 1.0
Doc Modified Date: 01.29.2003

I. Download an appropriate indexer package
wget http://www.apokalyptik.com/indexer/dist/ftp_indexer_200.tar.bz2

II. Unpack the source distribution
Unpack the source distribution

III. If you are using apache rename all the htaccess files to .htaccess (for added security)
 mv ./htaccess .htaccess
 cd classes/
 mv ./htaccess .htaccess
 cd ../config/
 mv ./htaccess .htaccess
 cd ../functions/
 mv ./htaccess .htaccess
 cd ../mysql/
 mv ./htaccess .htaccess
 cd ../templates/
 mv ./htaccess .htaccess
 cd ..

IV. Have your administrator make you a blank database, username, and password. (for the sake of this installation guide we'll say your database is "indexer2" your password is "pablo" and your username is "cantcatchme"

V. Create your initial database structure
 cd mysql
 mysql -ucantcatchme -ppablo -D indexer2 < ./database.sql

VI. Go through all the options in the various .php files located in ./config/. There are descriptions on each of the options that I hope are fairly self explanatory...

VII. edit the indexer.php file located in the root of the distribution directory, and make sure that the path to the php binary is correct. After that go ahead and make it executable
chmod 751 ./indexer.php

VIII. Depending on your you configured your config/indexer.php file you will now setup a cron job to run the indexer.php at the desired interval (once per day, hour, etc) or run the indexer.php in such a manner that it will keep running (such as calling it through the nohup binary, or running it in a screen session. Please consult your administrator for instructions on how to accomplish this.
   '/bin/bash -c "/path/to/php -f /path/to/indexer.php" 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null'
   '/usr/bin/nohup /path/to/indexer.php'
(after setting the appropriate "#!/path/to/php -f"
as the first line of indexer.php, of course!)
   /path/to/php -f /path/to/indexer.php &
   screen -d

IX. If everything went well you should be all set! visit your indexers front end in a web browser, submit your ftps, and begin using it.