-------------------------------------- ICQ History Log For: 5312521 R.S. Carlyon Started on Fri May 19 00:38:37 2000 -------------------------------------- R.S. 1/14/00 6:24 PM Hi, How have you been? I know you're busy with other opportunities, but I've come across something I want to share with all of my friends and colleagues. I think this is going to be really big, and its still a "ground floor" opportunity. I've got a real tiger by the tail here, and you may want to take a look. The system is the best and there are 4 ways to make $$$. Please go take a quick look at: http://www.wealthsystem.com Thanks! Scott Rodona 1/16/00 5:01 PM Who are you? R.S. 1/16/00 5:05 PM Rodona, Ouch! That hurts! You don't remember me? You did some custom email extraction work for me a couple years ago. It was for snow skiers. I may have bought some software from you, too -- yeah, you sold me John Lester's NICERs Pro bulk mail system. You made some bucks off me! Remember now? Scott Rodona 1/16/00 5:06 PM Sorry Scott! Your ICQ does not identify you !! Yes I remember you :-)! R.S. 1/16/00 5:07 PM What do you mean, that my ICQ doesn't identify me? Is my name missing or something? Rodona 1/16/00 5:07 PM It's just a # that shows up on my ICQ. But I do see your nickname once I open up your message. I didn't notice that before. R.S. 1/16/00 5:08 PM Ok. How've you been? Still in the internet direct marketing biz? Rodona 1/16/00 5:08 PM Yes I am. I'm doing fine. You? R.S. 1/16/00 5:10 PM Yeah, I've done a little of this and that. I'm not a millionaire yet, so I'm still plugging away. This latest deal may really do it for me. Potential for big $$. Check it out at: http://www.wealthsystem.com Rodona 1/16/00 5:11 PM I'll go check it out. Is it MLM?