ICQ History Log For:
22447762 Shannon
Started on Fri May 19 00:39:20 2000
Rodona 8/27/99 2:49 AM How's the beer :-)? We are planning on having
serious margaritas later!
Shannon 8/27/99 2:50 AM It's chilling ask we "speak" :) Perfect
timing!!! And one of them is a kind I've
wanted to try! If they hadn't come, I was
tempted to go to a bar by myself. Going out
for margaritas or cranking up the blender?
Rodona 8/27/99 2:51 AM Cranking up the blender of course :-) - Joseph
makes the best margaritas.
Shannon 8/27/99 2:52 AM David and I sat outside last night, lit some
candles, and opened a bottle of wine. I love
Shannon 8/27/99 2:54 AM OK... I'm heading toward the fridge now :)
Shannon 9/17/99 5:57 PM Freestation has a new look! Might have to try
them! I ended up w/ 8 of my test messages
from yesterday. Still waiting for 5 that I
sent last night. The shortest delay was 5
hours! I'm pretty sure the storms down south
have something to do w/ it and the poor
Shannon 9/20/99 6:57 PM Why are you up so early on a Sunday? :)
Rodona 9/20/99 6:59 PM Crazy I think :-)! No I have a new client
that is asking for show me :-)...could be
really great mortgage deal though so I'm
trying to quickly scramble and get some mail
out - he has a contact that is licensed in all
50 states so he wants to see what I can do and
how long it takes me...nothing like pressure
huh :-)?
Rodona 9/20/99 6:59 PM What about you?
Shannon 9/20/99 6:59 PM That's what makes this so fun :) ...
Rodona 9/20/99 7:00 PM Isn't that the truth!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:00 PM David's out of town for the weekend so I'm
using the time to make some $$.
Rodona 9/20/99 7:00 PM How is casino going for you?
Rodona 9/20/99 7:00 PM OHHHH I think I would love that :-)! Not that
I don't love my hubby mind you but it sure
does make it nice when you can focus totally
on the business :-)
Shannon 9/20/99 7:01 PM I've started using Freestation again now that
they re-opened... you only need to fill in
username and pass... not the rest of the crap!
Makes it fast. Also found one called
http://dontknockit.com that does the same...
AND has ftp!! (you get your password via
email)... neither have cgi, though.
Rodona 9/20/99 7:02 PM I met the gentlemen who owns freestation while
I was in Chicago :-) He is definitely a
spammer of major proportions. Freestation is
a front for his activities. Keep this very
much under your hat!!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:02 PM Casino is doing well on the weekends...
There's a 16 year old kid using Atom and the
icq spam program and making thousands a day!!
Not me... I'm happy w/ a couple hundred. He's
gonna get booted though 'cas we aren't
supposed to use Atom or Backdoor.
Shannon 9/20/99 7:03 PM Hadn't Andy mentioned something similar about
Freestation? I think dontknockit is the same
Rodona 9/20/99 7:03 PM Why not Atom? I can see why they wouldn't
want anyone using Backdoor but Atom? He's
using the ICQ mailer as well. That must be
Nate right?
Rodona 9/20/99 7:04 PM Yep dontknockit.com was owned by Ray in CA -
remember him from when Shary and I were doing
the credit card deal?
Shannon 9/20/99 7:04 PM Don't know who it is... Does Atom steal
passwords like Backdoor? If not, then it
might be OK. I am SOOOOO jealous!! He even
has a couple friends mailing w/ him and
they're splitting the profits!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:05 PM Geez - You know everyone, don't you? :) Are
you guys still working on a casino deal?
Rodona 9/20/99 7:05 PM I don't think it does! I think it's a web
based mailer. That's what I have heard
anyway. I'm sure it's Nate...he is the only
one that has the ICQ mailer I think.
Rodona 9/20/99 7:06 PM I emailed the guy but haven't heard back from
him. Andy told me not to get involved with
Casino because the FEDS are really after these
guys even though they are offshore. He says
if they track anything, i.e. a wire transfer
or anything to you then you are screwed. I
don't know if I want to take any chances. How
are they paying you?
Shannon 9/20/99 7:06 PM I never get casino spams via icq... just porn,
but Jim says he's gotten quite a few. Of
course, when something works, it's no longer
available to purchase... go figure. Oh well -
makes us work harder.
Shannon 9/20/99 7:07 PM They pay Jim and Jim pays me out of his
personal account. Couldn't you just open an
offshore account and have the money transfered
to that?
Rodona 9/20/99 7:07 PM You just have to know the right people
:-)...everything is for sale at a price :-)
but these kids are getting smart and not
selling everything they have. They realize
that they can make more money using it
themselves. Now that I know who has the ICQ
mailer I think I'll approach him and see what
he says.
Shannon 9/20/99 7:08 PM Let me know what you find out.
oohhh - I do not feel like doing this again
today :) I need a vacation!
Rodona 9/20/99 7:08 PM yes that would be the best way. Do you know
how to do that? I probably need to consider
that to protect my assets. I met some VERY
serious players in Chicago. They make us look
like amateurs in a BIG way. I didn't know you
could move that much mail in a day :-)!
Rodona 9/20/99 7:09 PM ME to! :-) - Hawaii would be nice.
Shannon 9/20/99 7:10 PM What was in Chicago? I have to start going to
conventions and stuff... that's where Jim
meets all of his contacts.
I'm not totally sure about the offshores..
just that you're protected and most give you a
credit card for making purchases/withdrawls
from your accounts, etc.
Shannon 9/20/99 7:11 PM AMEN!!! It's our turn to be the big players
and go on a trip!! How are they moving so
much mail... special lines, software, or just
more computers?
Rodona 9/20/99 7:11 PM Met there with some folks to do a t1 deal for
Shannon 9/20/99 7:11 PM How do they get enough addresses to keep up w/
the mailings? I mean there are only so many
people online... just remailing the same lists
and adding to them?
Rodona 9/20/99 7:11 PM all of the above! I was shocked at how they
are doing some of their stuff. Made some
important contacts so we'll see if they pay
off :-). I'm trying to cultivate the
relationships now. Lowly me doesn't have much
to offer in return is the only problem :-)
Rodona 9/20/99 7:12 PM yep I guess so. Porn guy mails 30 million a
day into AOL!
Rodona 9/20/99 7:12 PM Different sites, etc.
Shannon 9/20/99 7:14 PM How the hell does he get 30 Mill into
AOL?!?!?! Geez that's not fair :) Let me
know if you need any help... even if it's just
as another body to say is on you team in
order to look bigger. I love doing that... my
best friend makes me look like an actual
business and has coined herself as my PR
person,...it's hilarious!
Rodona 9/20/99 7:15 PM I know!! I still think we need to get
together somehow and come up with something
really spectacular !! SSR, Inc. :-) or RSS,
Inc. - hmmm...which way sounds better :-)!
It would be great!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:18 PM I would've met up with you in Chicago had I
known earlier... can fly there round trip for
less than $100 during the week usually.
Rodona 9/20/99 7:19 PM Wow! Wish I had known!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:20 PM If casino keeps going well - I should have my
bills paid off within a few weeks and then I
can save up some change to see you guys. It'd
be really nice if I was just able to drive
down in the convertible I'm saving for on my
way to my new home in Tampa! :)
Rodona 9/20/99 7:21 PM YEA! That would be great! I'm saving for a
new home :-)
Shannon 9/20/99 7:22 PM Are your t-1 people FROM Chicago? Let me know
if you have to go back up there again... I
need some time away from this city!!
Rodona 9/20/99 7:22 PM yes - Chicago is a zoo! I can't imagine
anyone wanting to live there :-)!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:24 PM I hate that city!! I have an aunt and uncle
that did it smart... they live about an hour
away by driving, but the live right by a train
depot where you can get on the commuter train
(not the "L") and be downtown in 30 minutes!
Rodona 9/20/99 7:24 PM Wow! Now that is smart :-)!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:29 PM Do you have any lists of possible relay
servers? I'm trying to find alternates for
dm2.4. Started using UltraSMTP (sent it to
Shary, too) and it automates the whole thing
returning a list of servers and even ones that
strip headers.
Shannon 9/20/99 7:30 PM I'd like to run a few lists thru it today and
then send over what ever servers work.
Rodona 9/20/99 7:30 PM I'll send you some...hang on.
Shannon 9/20/99 7:31 PM Thanks! I lost the ones you had sent when I
crashed so now I'm typing them in by hand from
the printout... takes forever!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:33 PM Thank you!! I'll let you know what I find
Rodona 9/20/99 7:34 PM k thanks!!
Shannon 9/20/99 7:36 PM This is slick! It's found two already
Rodona 9/20/99 7:36 PM YEA!! I have plenty so let me know.
Shannon 9/20/99 8:42 PM I'll send ya the results of the smtp tests...
I haven't tried them on aol yet... just w/
Rodona 9/20/99 8:42 PM k thanks!!
Rodona 9/20/99 8:43 PM Want some more to test?
Shannon 9/20/99 8:43 PM Whenever you get a chance. There's about 40
here so that should keep us busy for a while.
Only 5 of them can strip headers, though.
It's really easy to run!
Rodona 9/20/99 8:44 PM k I'll send more.
Shannon 9/20/99 8:48 PM Thanks! I'll send over the results when I'm
Rodona 9/20/99 8:49 PM k and I have many many more :-)
Shannon 9/20/99 8:49 PM We're gonna be with the Big Boys yet!! :)
Rodona 9/20/99 8:51 PM yep :-)
Rodona 9/20/99 11:39 PM Hey! As I mentioned earlier I have a mortgage
deal on the block. The deal is if I can get
100 leads in CA in short order they will open
up all 50 states. Interested? Payout is
$5.00/lead! May be more if I can impress them
Shannon 9/20/99 11:42 PM Sure! Is that what you guys needed the Calif.
addresses for? When does he want them by....
yesterday, I suppose :)
Rodona 9/20/99 11:42 PM yep you got it!! :-)
I got an advance check in the mail yesterday
so the heat will be on come tomorrow I'm sure
Shannon 9/20/99 11:44 PM How many leads did he say... sorry, I just got
off the phone w/ David so I was only half
paying attention :) I just heard mortgage,
California, $5/lead, if good he'll open up all
50 states. David won't be home 'til late so I
have an entire Sunday to work... yeah!!!
Rodona 9/20/99 11:45 PM hehehe :-) wish I were in your position!
Joseph has been tapping his foot for three
hours now :-) so I need HELP!! :-)
100 leads is what he wants to start with - all
Shannon 9/20/99 11:46 PM Do you have a page up that I can copy?
Rodona 9/20/99 11:46 PM yep at
but you might want ot fix that space thing
between free and mortgage :-)
Shannon 9/20/99 11:47 PM How many have you gotten so far? I'll get
started as soon as I get a page up and an
email address!
Rodona 9/20/99 11:48 PM 1 :-) don't laugh ok :-)!!
Shannon 9/20/99 11:48 PM You just started, right? :) $5 is $5 closer
to Hawaii!!!!
Rodona 9/20/99 11:48 PM yes :-) but I only have one lead so far!
Definitely closer to Hawaii!!
Shannon 9/20/99 11:55 PM Where do I add in my email address? When I
view the page source, all I can see is the
java script.
Rodona 9/20/99 11:56 PM You just copy the page and paste it into
Frontpage. Then you can see the html.
Rodona 9/20/99 11:56 PM Do a right click on the website I sent to
you...copy it and then paste it into Frontpage
as a new doc.
Shannon 9/20/99 11:57 PM I don't have FrontPage... I'm a Notepad girl
:)... I might have frontpage express as part
of my compaq... I'll check
Rodona 9/20/99 11:58 PM ohhhh! I can always just send you the
file...might be easier that way.
Shannon 9/20/99 11:59 PM That would probably be easier... I don't seem
to even be able to copy it as a new .doc right
now. My brain is frying!! :)
Rodona 9/20/99 11:59 PM k hang on.
Rodona 9/21/99 12:02 AM Did that work?
Shannon 9/21/99 12:28 AM Ok - I'm ready to mail BUT I can't find an old
ad copy. Do you have something I can use as a
Rodona 9/21/99 12:28 AM yep it's coming at ya.
Shannon 9/21/99 12:29 AM Thanks! Here goes... :)
Shannon 9/21/99 12:30 AM Will that work for non-html email readers
Rodona 9/21/99 12:31 AM Thanks!!
Rodona 9/21/99 12:31 AM oops! Did I send you the html one?
Rodona 9/21/99 12:31 AM The future is here! Finally a hassle-free home
loan that allows you to get
an equity credit line with absolutely no
income verification!
$50,000 = Only $318 per month (based on 7.750%
rate subject to change)
- Cash out for any reason
- Up to $100,000
- No waiting
- Quick, same day approvals
- Money in 10 working days
- W2's or self-employed welcome
- Up to 100% value!
- No documentation required!
- Free property analysis
- Owner occupied only
now for your free mortgage
analysis! There
is absolutely no obligation.
Rodona 9/21/99 12:36 AM Did you get it?
Shannon 9/21/99 12:36 AM Just the first one w/ html... did you try to
icq it? I can just take the tags out of the
html ad.
Rodona 9/21/99 12:37 AM yep I sent it icq but lost my connection right
as it went. I'll resend hang on.
Rodona 9/21/99 12:37 AM The future is here! Finally a hassle-free home
loan that allows you to get
an equity credit line with absolutely no
income verification!
$50,000 = Only $318 per month (based on 7.750%
rate subject to change)
- Cash out for any reason
- Up to $100,000
- No waiting
- Quick, same day approvals
- Money in 10 working days
- W2's or self-employed welcome
- Up to 100% value!
- No documentation required!
- Free property analysis
- Owner occupied only
now for your free mortgage
analysis! There
is absolutely no obligation.
Rodona 9/21/99 12:38 AM get it?
Shannon 9/21/99 12:38 AM yer... thanks :)
Rodona 9/21/99 12:38 AM Great!
Rodona 9/21/99 2:21 AM The future is here! Finally a hassle-free home
loan that allows you to get
an equity credit line with absolutely no
income verification!
$50,000 = Only $318 per month (based on 7.750%
rate subject to change)
- Cash out for any reason
- Up to $100,000
- No waiting
- Quick, same day approvals
- Money in 10 working days
- W2's or self-employed welcome
- Up to 100% value!
- No documentation required!
- Free property analysis
- Owner occupied only
now for your free mortgage
analysis! There
is absolutely no obligation.
Shannon 9/21/99 2:22 AM Just got your ad when you signed back on...
thought you were spamming me via icq :)
Got a whopping 1 lead so far!!
Rodona 9/21/99 2:25 AM Rodona isn't here. I just opened icq to send
a link to scramble. What are you getting for
mortgage leads? I want to hae Lin mail to and
I don't know what it pays. shary
Shannon 9/21/99 2:25 AM Rodona said $5 for cali's.
How was your night??
Rodona 9/21/99 2:26 AM very nice :)
Shannon 9/21/99 2:30 AM I'm glad!!
Rodona 9/21/99 2:32 AM It's Rodona again before you ask me any
embarrassing questions :-)
What domains are you mailing and are you using
Shannon 9/21/99 2:44 AM Mixed domains and yes, aolnet
Rodona 9/21/99 2:45 AM k :-) thanks!!
Shannon 9/21/99 2:45 AM Is it ok to use aolnet w/ this?
Rodona 9/21/99 2:46 AM yep go for it!
Shannon 9/21/99 2:46 AM Didn't think there'd be a problem since we
collect the leads ourselves :) Have you
gotten any more, or are we tied at one?
Rodona 9/21/99 2:47 AM I have two now :-) What's up with things
today? SOOO slow!
Shannon 9/21/99 2:48 AM Starting to pick up, though. I hadn't made
squat all day and the mail is taking forever
to go out, but when I just got back from
running, I had a couple hundred dollars in
casino purchases! I've only gotten out about
20K for mortgage so far too since it's mixed
lists so they'll take a while to start coming
Rodona 9/21/99 2:49 AM yep they will - much appreciated!!
Shannon 9/21/99 2:49 AM No, thank you!! $5/lead is awesome! You
must've done some great talking to get that
rate :)
Rodona 9/21/99 2:50 AM I only hope we can satisfy them by morning so
that we can keep things going :-)!
Shannon 9/21/99 2:51 AM I'm collecting more addresses to use once this
batch has been mailed :)
Gonna run to the store. Should be back in
about 15 minutes.
Rodona 9/21/99 2:51 AM k buy something good to snack on :-)
Shannon 9/21/99 2:52 AM We have NO food here and I'm going to the
store w/ no idea what I want. Actually, I
know of a salad that I want, but I don't feel
like dealing w/ the Mall of America on a
Sunday afternoon to go pick it up :).... TOO
many people!
Rodona 9/21/99 2:52 AM I'm sure! Besides you might get side tracked
by shopping :-)
Shannon 9/21/99 4:48 AM Gettin' any more coming in? Still slow here.
Rodona 9/21/99 4:48 AM Nope not even one more! How about you?
Shannon 9/21/99 4:49 AM Still stuck at one... I keep checking the page
and email to be sure they're working too...
You'd think after a couple years I'd know
better than to expect immediate results :)
Rodona 9/21/99 4:49 AM ME to!! :-)
Shannon 10/12/99 3:05 PM Thank you!!
Rodona 10/14/99 4:45 AM http://%38%37%36%33%32%39%33%36%30@3491382728/
Rodona 10/16/99 5:14 AM http://%35%31%36%33%32%38%34%31%38@3491382728/