-------------------------------------- ICQ History Log For: 3483645 Rodona-server Started on Fri Apr 14 08:02:51 2000 -------------------------------------- Shary2 6/24/99 6:18 AM somehow "do me womna" didn't feel appropriate :-) Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:19 AM hehehe :-) Shary2 6/24/99 6:20 AM I renamed this one Rodona-house. Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:20 AM Appropriate :-) Shary2 6/24/99 6:21 AM I better get the garbage out before I miss them. Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:21 AM me to Shary2 6/24/99 6:29 AM hn Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:29 AM hn? Shary2 6/24/99 6:29 AM sorry! mistake :-) Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:30 AM :-) - this is kinda fun :-)! Shary2 6/24/99 6:30 AM I like it :-) Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:30 AM Yep! Shary2 6/24/99 6:39 AM u there? Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:39 AM yep - paying bills. Shary2 6/24/99 6:40 AM ok if I open your peanut butter? I want some on my yummy bread :-) Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:40 AM OF COURSE!! Shary2 6/24/99 6:40 AM thanks! Rodona-ser 6/24/99 6:40 AM YW :-) Shary2 6/24/99 8:06 AM I heard every word you said! Shary2 7/26/99 5:35 PM http://3637456024/data/submit.htm Shary2 8/20/99 2:19 PM http://%32%38%32%30%34%37%34%30%35@3626046468/ 64%65%32/%73%74%61%72%72/%76%74%77%2E%68%74%6D 6C Shary2 8/20/99 5:40 PM http://www.angelfire.com/ut/3rdplanet/vtr.html Rodona-ser 8/20/99 5:41 PM http://3626046468/%75%74/%33%72%64%70%6C%61%6E 65%74/%76%74%72%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 8/21/99 6:01 AM Good morning. Yep the travel page is before the registration. VJ thought she had a terrible day ... said she'd had a lot of trouble mailing. Were you mailing with her tag yesterday? We knew SHE wasn't getting all those leads. You're the only one who ever gets that many! Shary2 8/21/99 11:17 AM http://www5.bcity.com/rocket75/rstw.html Rodona-ser 8/21/99 11:18 AM http://3478308522/%72%6F%63%6B%65%74%37%35/%72 73%74%77%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 8/23/99 7:08 AM http://www5.bcity.com/pundit/rstw.html Shary2 8/23/99 12:45 PM http://www.freehomepages.com/tangle/rstr.html Rodona-ser 8/24/99 6:35 AM http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/give189away/regis er.html Shary2 8/24/99 9:39 AM http://www.angelfire.com/ne/saguaro/free.html Rodona-ser 8/24/99 9:40 AM http://%38%33%39%34%37%33%35%30%37@3626046468/ 6E%65/%73%61%67%75%61%72%6F/%66%72%65%65%2E%68 74%6D%6C Shary2 8/24/99 12:56 PM http://www.angelfire.com/de2/starr/vtw.html Rodona-ser 8/24/99 12:57 PM http://3626046468/%64%65%32/%73%74%61%72%72/%7 %74%77%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 8/24/99 3:17 PM http://www.angelfire.com/nh/cactus/lmcs.html Rodona-ser 8/24/99 3:19 PM http://%31%31%38%37%38%36%32%35%36%38@36260464 8/%6E%68/%63%61%63%74%75%73/%6C%6D%63%73%2E%68 74%6D%6C Rodona-ser 8/25/99 6:07 AM http://3478308522/%6F%6E%64%69%6E%65/%6D%63%63 73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 8/25/99 1:45 PM Andy-nrm (ICQ#41990224) Wrote: just talked to sergio at exodus - he is sending me the contracts - does she want to send her box to exodus - since i imagine you want to use front page extentions - or does she want me to send them a unix box - need to know fast - also i suggest that you go to pan and read what i just wrote you very carefully Shary2 8/25/99 1:45 PM Andy-nrm (ICQ#41990224) Wrote: cgi scripts are harder to set up on nt - but it is the only way for front page extentions - sergio and i kissed and made up Shary2 8/25/99 1:46 PM Andy-nrm (ICQ#41990224) Wrote: cgi scripts are harder to set up on nt - but it is the only way for front page extentions - sergio and i kissed and made up Shary2 8/25/99 1:46 PM Andy-nrm (ICQ#41990224) Wrote: just talked to sergio at exodus - he is sending me the contracts - does she want to send her box to exodus - since i imagine you want to use front page extentions - or does she want me to send them a unix box - need to know fast - also i suggest that you go to pan and read what i just wrote you very carefully Shary2 8/26/99 5:41 AM http://flint23.hypermart.net/ Shary2 8/26/99 8:17 AM http://www.angelfire.com/ut/tessa21 Rodona-ser 8/26/99 8:18 AM http://3626046468/%75%74/%74%65%73%73%61%32%31 Shary2 8/26/99 10:04 AM http://www.bizweb2000.com/wwwboard/ Shary2 8/26/99 4:46 PM http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/barley/vmcs.html Rodona-ser 8/26/99 4:47 PM http://3626046468/%6E%79%33/%62%61%72%6C%65%79 %76%6D%63%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 8/26/99 5:00 PM http://cdouble.hypermart.net/ Rodona-ser 8/26/99 5:01 PM http://%36%38%38%30%36%37%31%38%31@3472744026/ Rodona-ser 8/28/99 8:19 AM netmanor.com/sales/1stmlv22 Shary2 8/29/99 5:36 AM 129079 160-ECXKP2MJ Rodona-ser 8/29/99 8:27 AM http://cgi42.Freedback.com/mail.pl Shary2 8/29/99 8:49 AM http://www.angelfire.com/sc2/tangle/success.ht l Rodona-ser 8/29/99 8:49 AM http://3626046468/%73%63%32/%74%61%6E%67%6C%65 %73%75%63%63%65%73%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Rodona-ser 8/29/99 10:06 AM 160-ECXKP2MJ YQyyL-3V3YZJJ-wJG7ZGzaHMRiELXX-nCpH8+UyMM7 Rodona-ser 8/31/99 3:13 AM Rodona-ser 8/31/99 3:23 AM Shary2 9/6/99 5:19 AM www.postmania/hypermart.com/rsma_results.htm Rodona-ser 9/8/99 1:03 PM http://3626046468/%66%6C%33/%6D%61%6E%61%74%65 65%33/%72%6D%63%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 9/8/99 1:14 PM This is perfect! http://www1.bluemountain.com/eng3/lickles/GWan il.html Shary2 9/9/99 5:21 PM Amazon7890: I asked Jim if he had met them in person. He said "yes, and you'd shit if you knew who they are."... Amazon7890: I asked if they were oil barons... he said, "much bigger". Rodona-ser 9/19/99 12:06 PM http://%33%37%37%39%37%36%35%39%32@3634982654/ 67%6F%6F%64%6C%69%66%65%32%30%30%30//%73%75%63 63%65%73%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Rodona-ser 9/19/99 12:28 PM Rodona-ser 9/20/99 7:37 AM http://3626179494/%70%6D/%30%31%30%31/%30%31%3 %31%2E%68%74%6D Shary2 9/30/99 7:55 AM http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/coldwater/rmccs.h ml Shary2 9/30/99 8:04 AM http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/coldwater/rmccs.h ml Shary2 9/30/99 12:06 PM http://www5.bcity.com/blazing/vmccs.html Rodona-ser 9/30/99 12:07 PM http://%31%31%34%34%37%36%33%33%30%32@34783085 2/%62%6C%61%7A%69%6E%67/%76%6D%63%63%73%2E%68% 4%6D%6C Shary2 9/30/99 12:13 PM http://www.angelfire.com/ga2/coldwater/rmccs.h ml Rodona-ser 9/30/99 12:13 PM http://%31%30%34%31%39%33%32%33%34%35@%33%36%3 %36%31%30%36%36%35%32/%67%61%32/%63%6F%6C%64%7 %61%74%65%72/%72%6D%63%63%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 9/30/99 12:13 PM http://www.myfreeoffice.com/warmrain//rmccs.ht l Shary2 9/30/99 12:14 PM http://www5.bcity.com/rocket/rmccs.html Rodona-ser 9/30/99 12:14 PM http://%37%39%35%37%32%32%34%35%32@%33%36%33%3 %39%38%32%36%35%34/%77%61%72%6D%72%61%69%6E//% 2%6D%63%63%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Rodona-ser 9/30/99 12:14 PM http://%32%39%33%39%39%37%36%36%31@%33%34%37%3 %33%30%38%35%32%32/%72%6F%63%6B%65%74/%72%6D%6 %63%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 9/30/99 12:34 PM http://%32%39%33%39%39%37%36%36%31@%33%34%37%3 %33%30%38%35%32%32/%72%6F%63%6B%65%74/%72%6D%6 %63%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 9/30/99 12:41 PM http://%31%30%34%31%39%33%32%33%34%35@%33%36%3 %36%31%30%36%36%35%32/%67%61%32/%63%6F%6C%64%7 %61%74%65%72/%72%6D%63%63%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 9/30/99 12:50 PM http://%37%39%35%37%32%32%34%35%32@%33%36%33%3 %39%38%32%36%35%34/%77%61%72%6D%72%61%69%6E//% 2%6D%63%63%73%2E%68%74%6D%6C Shary2 10/5/99 5:40 AM Shannon (ICQ#22447762) Wrote: The stock people can't be upset w/ the results of yesterday's mailing. I'm looking at their 5-day chart and yesterday was their first upslope! They need to do more press releases also so there is more for possible investors to read up on if they check it out. Only one release is there and it's a week old. Shary2 10/7/99 9:51 AM VJ (ICQ#22775534) Wrote: Apparently, STeve wants to do foreign names.... so he is working with this other middleman Shary2 10/7/99 9:55 AM VJ (ICQ#22775534) Wrote: Well, no I don't want to mail travel either. I am just telling you all this to alert you to the fact that Andy may have already gotten paid, and he may just be stringing us along, and then tell us he did everything he could. Apparently, STeve and he are very close, and there is no way that he would not pay Andy. Shary2 10/7/99 9:58 AM VJ (ICQ#22775534) Wrote: Thanks.. Let me know when my site for the server is up, and I will get going on that! Think there is anyway that we can talk to Andy about the money? Rodona is pretty good at speaking to him, eh? Maybe she should deduct what's due on travel from his merchant payment (hee, hee) Shary2 10/7/99 10:08 AM VJ (ICQ#22775534) Wrote: YOu and me, we are trusting souls. We will see what happens. Shary2 10/12/99 2:44 PM http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/salty312/ Shary2 10/14/99 6:01 AM VJ (ICQ#22775534) Wrote: Is there some reason that you are not responding to my emails and icqs? If yes, I would really appreciate if you would let me know. I feel totally in the dark over here. :-( Shary2 10/14/99 3:13 PM Shannon (ICQ#22447762) Wrote: Whenever you get time, can you scramble http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/fog7812/ for me? THANK YOU!!! Shary2 10/23/99 11:51 AM http://www.angelfire.com/co3/tornado3/thankyou html Rodona-ser 10/23/99 11:52 AM http://%32%37%33%39%34%38%36%37%35@3626046468/ 63%6F%33/%74%6F%72%6E%61%64%6F%33/%74%68%61%6E 6B%79%6F%75%2E%68%74%6D%6C Rodona-ser 11/9/99 1:02 PM