See `sketch' for someone drawing! ,d$b ,d$$P' ,d$$$' ,d$$$P' ,d$PB$' ,d$$$P' d$$$P' d$$$P' ___,,---''\ d$$P' ___,,---'' \_/'\P' \ __ ,---,_ | _/' \ ,-" `\\ \ `)/`\ \ | \ )`-`\_-'"'\ \ \ `--'`\/ `\ ) \ \ `\ `,_\-' \ \ \_,' \ \ ___,,---'' \___,,---'' pb From: Marion Koslowski (text added also by other members of alt.ascii-art) Doida added: Polish "kropka, kropka, kreska, kreska, to jest morda mego pieska" means "dot, dot, line, line, this is my dog's face" :) .-------+-------+-------+---------+-----------------. | | | | | ,---. | | . | . . | . . | . . | ,' . . `. | | | | , | , | | , : | | | | | - | ` - , | | | | | | `..__,' | +-------+-------+-------+---------+-----------------+ | Punkt | Punkt | Komma | Strich | Fertig ist das | DE | | | | | Mondgesicht! | +-------+-------+-------+---------+-----------------+ |Punktum|Punktum| Komma | Streg | Sådan tegnes | DK | | | | | Nikolaj! | +-------+-------+-------+---------+-----------------+ | kropka| kropka|kreska | kreska | to jest morda | PL | | | | | mego pieska | +-------+-------+-------+---------+-----------------+ | tochka| tochka| zapyataya | vyshla rozhitsa | RU | | | | kryvaya | +-------+-------+-------+---------+-----------------+ | point | point |virgule| ligne | La face de la | FR | | | | | Lune est finie | +-------+-------+-------+---------+-----------------+ | dot | dot |comma | dash | moon's face | UK | | | | | in a flash | +-------+-------+-------+---------+-----------kOs---' +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+--kOs--+ | | | | | | . | . | . | | | | | | | / | / \ | / \ | | | | | | ___ | /___ | /___\ | /___\ | | | \ | |\ | |\ / | |\ / | |\ / | |\ / | |\ /| | | | \ | | \ | | X | | X | | X | | X | | X | | | ____ | ___\ | |__\ | |/_\ | |/_\ | |/_\ | |/_\ | |/_\| | | | | | | | | | | +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+-------+ | Das | ist | das | Haus | vom | Ni- | ko- | laus.| DE +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+-------+ | Het | ge- | heim | van | de | smid | is | dit. | NL +------+------+------+------+------+------+-------+-------+ From: Philip Newton +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | . | . | . | . | | / \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | | /___\ | /___\ | /___\ | /___\ | | |\ /| | |\ /| \ | |\ /| |\ | |\ /| |\ / | | | X | | | X | \ | | X | | \ | | X | | X | | |/_\|_______ | |/_\|______\ | |/_\|___|__\ | |/_\|___|/_\ | | | | | | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ | und | ne- | ben- | an | +--------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+ +--------------+--------------+---------------+----------kOs--+ | . | . . | . . | . . | | / \ | / \ / | / \ / \ | / \ / \ | | /___\ ___ | /___\ /___ | /___\ /___\ | /___\ /___\ | | |\ /| |\ / | |\ /| |\ / | |\ /| |\ / | |\ /| |\ /| | | | X | | X | | X | | X | | X | | X | | X | | X | | | |/_\|___|/_\ | |/_\|___|/_\ | |/_\|___|/_\ | |/_\|___|/_\| | | | | | | +--------------+--------------+---------------+---------------+ | vom | Weih- | nachts- | mann. | +--------------+--------------+---------------+---------------+ From: Timofei Shatrov There is a theorem by Euler with which you can easily predict if the picture is "drawable". Look. This double house has 4 odd points (it means that odd number of lines goes into it): . . / \7/ \ /___V___\ |\ /|\ /| | X | X | 3|/_\|/_\|3 5 If there is more than 2 odd points the picture is "undrawable" under this rules. From: Marco Kirschke Yes. You're right. :) . . . . . . . . . . . . . / / \ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\ /_\_ /_\_ /_\_ /_\_ /_\_ \ \ \ \ |\ |X |X| |X| |X|\ |X|\ |X|X |X|X |X|X |X|X| """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """ """"" """"" """"" """"" ""\"" ""\"/ ""\"/