sjw _..----.._ _ .' .--. "-.(0)_ '-.__.-'"'=:| , _)_ \__ . c\'-.. '''------'---''---'-" .---. (\./) \.......- >' '< (__.'""""BP " ` " " From: ikas (ikas = Irene Klein und Andreas Schamanek) (\,/) oo '''//, _ ,/_;~, \, / ' ikas "' \ ( \ ! ',| \ |__.' '~ '~----'' . , (\;/) oo \//, _ ,/_;~ \, / ' "' ( ( \ ! ikas // \ |__.' '~ '~----'' , . (\,;,/) (o o)\//, \ / \, `+'( ( \ ) // \ |_./ '~' '~----' ikas \|, _.. 1,,_) 'u--'(__) ~ ~ ikas _, .---.__c--. (__( )_._( )_`_> `~~" `~" unknown William D Ratcliffe /`\ _ /'---\_/~\ ~ ) ~ ~~ ~~~ rat smilies (by ): ------------------------------- basics: =:7)~~ Rat/Mouse (the 7 is its nose :) alterations: =;7)~~ Winky rat, sarcastic as ever =:7(~~ Sad rat =:7>~~ Sarcastic Rat (the default) >;7)~~ Winky and devil combined ~(*:= Left handed mouse =%7)~~ Rat has been staring at a green screen for 15 hours straight (very often the case) =87)~~ Rat with eyeglasses 0 =:--~~ "heilige ratte mit punkerfrisur" (von Roman Karawatzki) wholy punk rat _ ,-(_)-"""""--,, < " ";===""==,. `-../ )__... ( ,' "== ===" ,,===" PG (\ \\ )) // .-. // .-. / \-((=-/ \ \ \\ / `( ____))_ )` .-' // '-. / (( \ | * | \ / \ |_w_| / _) \ ` / (_ jgs (((---' '---))) __ _,-"~^"-. _// ) _,-"~` `. ." ( /`"-,-"` ; / 6 ; / , ,-" ; (,__.--. \ / ; //' /`-.\ | | `._________ _.-'_/` ) )--...,,,___\ \-----------,) ((("~` _.-'.-' __`-. ) // jgs ((("` (((---~"` // ((________________ `----""""~~~~^^^``` ____ | | |____| _|____|_ _ _ / ee`. _ _ ___ | |_ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ _| |_ .< __O | '_>/ . \| . \| | | | '_><_> |<_> |<_> | | | /\ \.-.' \ |_| \___/|___/`_. | |_| <___|<___|<___| |_| J `.|`.\/ \ <___' | |_.| | | | \__.'`.|-' / L /|o`--'\ | /\/\/\ \ J / `.__\ |/ / \ \\ .'`. `. .' ____)_/\_(____`. `-._______________________________________.'/ (___._/ \_.___) `-.________________________________________.-' VK (`-') >>>--- ++`.--> .' __O / .-.' \ J |`.\ \ | |_.| | | | \__.'`.|-' / L `--'\ | \ J \ \ / \ \ .'`. `. .' ___) /\ (____`. `-._______________________________________.'/ _///__/__\___\\\_`-.________________________________________.-'___ / \ / [Nosey Rat, shot and stuffed by VK] \ /______________________________________________________________________\ .-. .-'|| / _ \ _.-' || | ' ) | <_______|| `-' / ========================================== / / . .' .' .' .' .' .' .' .' / / `. / o ___ _ / | | | __\ J . |> /\ |> \/ |> /_\ | < /\ |\| J \ \ |_/ cc`. | // |\ \/ |> / |\ | | | _> \/ | | | \ .'_ __O F// F /\(%)_ ' \ // F .--.8bo._./\ // F / \88888\8\ //L L | _ |88888\8\ // | | | (_) |888888\8\\// J J | |=(%)===\/}X \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ /88888888'\ .--->. .---. .---. .---. .---. .---.. |`--'888888888 \ / _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \=/ _ \= |.' \ .'`. `. (_) | (_) | (_) | (_) | (_) | (_).'| `___)x/\x(__/_`. `-._______________________________________.'/ __///__/__\___\\\_`-.________________________________________.-'_____ ##################################################################### VK ___ _ _ .-' '-. (.)(.)/ packrat \ /@@ ; o_\\-mm-......-mm`~~~~"\ (~" ) `~~~~ (\_/) (d b) /\./\ ( )"( ) /\| |/\ ) ( " " ) / \ /~\ /\(_ \| |/ \_) " " cww & jgs ____-----__ .--' `\ .' `. .' \ _______ .' `. ____,---' ~~~<.---' \ _C~ `--' \ __--x_x-' .~ `---' ` | / \' | \| | \ \ , __ `, `~~ ~~ --__ .' \ | `` \_ ' | | `-._ / ` / `-.___/--. / / | / `~~--__ \ / | < __> `, > | / \ .--' / ,'`---.___ .' / `. .' ___.---'/ / | / `.___ .' .~~ .--' / Zach \_ __/ \ `. |'/\| /, __,' Bolinger `----' `.__ `, \' `/._/ //.< `---.." | `' VV V __..--' .' .' .' .' .------' RAT | .' ______.' | .' .' __====_`-----' .-------' `-------' __ ___ // ) ___--"" "-. \ |,"( /`--"" `. Bernhard Rieder \/ o \ ( _.-. ,'" ; |\" /`. \ , / | | \ ' .'`.; | | \.______________________________ _-'.' | |--..,,,\_ \________------------"""""""""""" '''" _-'.' ___"- ) '''" '''---~""