
Some little tricks that you may or may not know about...

You can "lock" a user's info line by putting a '@' as the first letter. They won't be able to change it any more.

'.status all' will dump out virtually everything you have configured on your bot

TCL has a command 'info body <proc>' that will list the contents of a proc. 'info args <proc>' shows what you have defined as the parameters for the proc.

You can rename a builtin command by binding over it. To rename '.status' to '.report', you'd do:

unbind dcc - status *dcc:status
bind dcc m report *dcc:status

The first line removes the builtin binding on '.status', and the second line binds '.report' to the builtin status function. Other built-in command examples include:

unbind msg - status *msg:status
bind msg m report *msg:status


unbind fil - share *fil:share
bind fil m link *fil:share

You can unlink all bots and clear out the botnet info from memory by using '.unlink *'. It erases all channel assocs and everything.

You can automagically make a ban sticky by adding a '*' as the first character in the ban reason.

You can add a user with a static hostmask when using '.adduser' by prefixing their nick by '!'.

ie with a hostmask of drummer!

'.adduser drummer'

uses *!ident@*

'.adduser !drummer'

uses *!

If you don't want your logfiles to be deleted after two days and don't want the bot to create a new logfile each new day, then set 'keep-all-logs' to 0 and 'switch-logfiles-at' to 2500 in your bot config file to make it keeping one logfile all the time. However this is not recommended on high traffic channels.

You can modify eggdrop's output in partyline and messages by editing core.english.lang in the language directory.

© 1997 Robey Pointer
© 1999,2000 Eggheads