
Eggdrop does not have access levels like some bots. There are no meaningless numbers or titles. Instead, each user has "flags" that entitle them to certain privileges. Think of a flag as a badge. Any user can have any number of flags -- you can have no flags, or you can have all of them. Some flags are good, some are bad. Each flag is identified by a letter.

The standard global flags are:

n (owner):

Someone who has absolute control -- you generally only want one or two people to have this flag.

m (master):

Someone who has access to almost every feature of the bot.

t (botnet):

Someone who has access to all features dealing with the botnet.

x (xfer):

Someone who has access to the file transfer area of the bot (if it exists) and can send and receive files to/from the bot.

j (janitor):

Someone who can perform maintenance in the file area of the bot (if it exists) -- like a "master" of the file area.

c (common):

Marks a user who is really just a public IRC site from which any number of people can use IRC, making the user@host information useless.

p (party):

Someone who has access to the party line.

b (bot):

Marks a user that is really a bot.

u (unshare):

User record is not sent to other bots

h (hilite):

Use nice formatting codes, bold, inverse, etc. in the help files

Also, there are 26 user-defined flags numbered A-Z (capitals). Bots can have specific flags which are explained later on. The channel flags for the bot are: (these can also be applied globally, or on a channel-specific basis)

o (op):

Someone who can ask for channel op (+o) status on the channel at will.

d (deop):

Someone who is not permitted to ever gain channel op status.

k (kick):

Someone who should be kicked if they ever attempt to join the channel.

f (friend):

If revenge mode is on, the bot won't take revenge on someone with this flag.

m (master):

Someone who has the ability to add/delete/modify users on the channel.

n (owner):

Someone who owns the channel and has access to a reasonable amount of commands.

a (auto-op):

Automatically op the person when they join the channel even if the channel isn't +autoop.

v (auto-voice):

Automatically give this person a voice it they join a +autovoice channel.


Automatically give this person a voice even if the channel is not autovoice. Works similar to +a

q (quiet):

Do not allow this person to get a voice on a +autovoice channel.

Once again there are 26 user-defined flags numbered A-Z, as channel flags.

© 1997 Robey Pointer
© 1999,2000 Eggheads