Assoc module

This module provides assoc support, i.e. naming channels on the botnet.

  1. Config file settings
  2. Tcl commands
  3. Tcl variables

1. Config file settings

Lines in bold are the lines that need to be included in the eggdrop config file if you want to use the share module.
Lines in bold italics are optional and only required if you wish to change the default behaviour for that particular feature.

Put this line into your eggdrop.conf file to load assoc module:

loadmodule assoc

2. Tcl commands

assoc <chan> [name]

sets the name associated with a botnet channel, if you specify one

returns: current name for that channel, if any

killassoc <chan>

removes the name associated with a botnet channel, if any exists, use 'killassoc &' to kill all assocs.

returns: nothing

3. Tcl variables


maximum length of assoc name to store.

© 1997 Robey Pointer
© 1999,2000 Eggheads