Compress module

This module provides the bot with a zlib interface. It can be used to compress files via tcl or to transfer the userfile compressed during the share process.

  1. Config file settings
  2. Tcl commands

1. Config file settings

Lines in bold are the lines that need to be included in the eggdrop config file if you want to use the share module.
Lines in bold italics are optional and only required if you wish to change the default behaviour for that particular feature.

Put this line into your config file to load compress module:

loadmodule share

There are also some variables you can to set in your config file:

set share-compressed 1

This setting makes the bot send the userfile during share transfer compressed.

Valid settings: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

set compress-level 9

Set here the gzip compression mode you want to use.

Valid settings: 0 (least CPU usage, least compression) upto 9 (maximal CPU usage, maximal compression).

2. Tcl commands:

compresstofile <src-file> <target-file> <mode>

Compress src-file to target-file by using a compression mode from 0 (least CPU usage, least compression) upto 9 (maximal CPU usage, maximal compression).

uncompresstofile <src-file> <target-file>

Uncompress src-file to target-file.

compressfile <file> <mode>

Compress file and overwrite it by using a compression mode from 0 (least CPU usage, least compression) upto 9 (maximal CPU usage, maximal compression).

uncompressfile <file>

Uncompress file and overwrite it.

© 1997 Robey Pointer
© 1999,2000 Eggheads