Share module

This module provides share support for userfile data. You can share users, flags, passwords, greets, comments, etc. to a directly linked bot.

  1. Config file settings
  2. Tcl commands

1. Config file settings

Lines in bold are the lines that need to be included in the eggdrop config file if you want to use the share module.
Lines in bold italics are optional and only required if you wish to change the default behaviour for that particular feature.

Put this line into your config file to load the share module:

loadmodule share

There are also some variables you can to set in your config file:

set allow-resync 0

When two bots get disconnected this setting allows the hub to create a resync buffer which saves all changes done to the userfile during the disconnect. So, when they reconnect, they will not have to transfer the complete user file, but instead, just the resync buffer.

NOTE: This feature is buggy at the moment and usage is not recommended.

Valid settings: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

set resync-time 900

This setting changes the time how long the bot holds another bots resync data before flushing it.

Valid settings: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

set private-global 0

This setting makes your bot ignore all global flag changes from other bots.

NOTE: The bot will still send any changes made on it, it just wont accept changes from other bot.

Valid settings: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

set private-globals ""

This setting makes your bot ignore all global flag changes you specify from other bots. It works similar to private-global, but allows you to strip just certain flags (ie. owner flag)

set private-user 0

This setting makes your bot ignore all changes to it's userfile done by other bots.

NOTE: This setting can desynch your userfile between your share bots, since it forces all changes to be made from this bot.

Valid settings: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

set override-bots 0

This setting makes your bot discard it's own bot records in favor of the ones sent by the hub.

NOTE: passwords and botflags don't get shared with this setting.

Valid settings: 1 to enable, 0 to disable.

2. Tcl commands


returns: "1" if the bot is currently downloading a userfile from a sharebot (and hence, user records are about to drastically change) "0" otherwise

© 1997 Robey Pointer
© 1999,2000 Eggheads